provides you free Electronic Books like DOS, Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point etc. These Electronic Books contains in sample English language. These Electronic Books has been illustrated step by step. Though a school boys can easily understand these electronic books. Electronic Books written by M.Mohan Rao. It is mainly meant to learn everybody. users can distribute these Electronic book  to their friends

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Before going to learn any other Computer courses, User must known Computer Fundamental i.e. What is computer?, Generation of the computer.

  1. What is Computer?,
  2. Generation of Computer.
  3. How does a Computer work?,
  4. Input devices, Hardware, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner.
  5. Joy stick, Light pen, Barcode reader, Mother Board and CPU.
  6. What is memory?, RAM , ROM and Hard disk. bullet CD, Output Devices, Monitor, Speaker and Printer.
  7. What is Software? and Operating System.