New Option:
This option is used to open untitled file or blank file.

First go to file menu and then click on new option.

Open Option:
This option is used to open an existing file.


  1. First go to file menu, click on open option.

  2. Then it will display Open dialog box, select the ms-word file and then click on Ok button.

Save Option:
It is used to save an untitled file.


  1. First go to file menu, click on save option.

  2. Then it will display a dialog box, type file name in file Name text box.

  3. And then click on OK button.

Save As Option:
This option is used to save an existing file with a new name.


  1. First go to file menu, click on Save as Option.

  2. Then it will display a dialog box, type file name in file Name text box.

  3. And then click on OK button.

Close Option:
It is used to close the active file.

First go to file menu. Then click on close option.

Print Option:
Print option is used to print out the content of the active file. If the printer is available.

First go to file menu, click on print option, then it will display a print dialog box. In print dialog box, select any one option and then click ‘OK’ button.

Exit Option:
This option is used to close the Edit Window.

First go to file menu and then click on Exit Option.

Edit Menu:
Edit menu has four options. They are Cut, Copy, Paste and Clear.

The figure 18 shows the Output of Edit Menu.

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