Figure 9 Output of DIR/AR.

COPY Command:
Through this command we can make a copy of an active file.

C :\> copy <old file name> <new file name>
C :\> copy Ram Hari <Press Enter Key >
1 file copied.
C :\>

CD.. Command:
CD.. Command is used to close a single directory at a time.

C: \Documents and Settings\Mohan> cd.. <Press Enter Key >
C: \ Documents and Settings>

CD\ Command:
This command is used to close more than one directory at a time.

C: \ Documents and Settings\Mohan>cd\ <Press Enter Key >
C :\>

MD Command :( Making Directory)
This command is used to make an empty directory.

C :\> md <Directory Name>
C :\> md Mohan <Press Enter Key >
C :\>

The figure 10 shows the output of MD Command.

CD Command: (Changing Directory)
Through this command we can change the directory when you want to store the files and sub-directories in it.

C :\> cd <Directory Name>
C :\> cd Mohan <Press Enter Key >
C: \Mohan>

The figure 11 shows the output of CD Command.

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