EXIT Command:
This command is used to close or exit the DOS Window.

C :\> exit <Press Enter Key >

COPY CON Command:
This command is used to create a new file. When you give this command. It allow to write something in it. After writing something we have to press F6 or Ctrl+Z for save the content of the file.

C :\> copy con <File name>
C :\> copy con mohan <Press Enter Key >
S.B Design Services <Press F6/ Ctrl+Z>
1 file (s) copied.
C :\>

TYPE Command:
This command is used to see the contents of an existing file.

C :\> type <File Name>
C :\> type mohan <Press Enter Key >
S.B, Design Services.
C :\>

DEL Command:
Del command is used to delete an existing file.

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